How To Make Indian Chicken Curry!!

How to make chicken curry fast and delicious

Welcome to the art of cooking
Today we’re gonna make together
Chicken curry

The ingredients

1.   Half teaspoon of ground cumin
2.   Quarter teaspoon of ground coriander
3.   One teaspoon of tomato puree
4.   Quarter teaspoon of garam masala ( or a spoon of curry paste)
5.   Two tablespoons of double cream
6.   45 ml of olive oil
7.   An onion (medium size)
8.   400 gm of chicken fillet
9.   Two garlic cloves
10.    One hili ( green)
11.      Quarter teaspoon of salt
12.      Quarter teaspoon of turmeric

The procedures

1- get bowls and cut the vegetables really small. Just remember that the smaller thing is, the faster it cooks. You’ll want the garlic cloves, onion and chili to be finely chopped.

2-get a clean chopping board and also chop your chicken into small pieces. Just be sure that you wash your hands after cutting the raw chicken before moving onto the next step.

3- heat three tablespoons of oil in a frying pan and cook both the onion and chicken pieces over a medium heat. Cook them for about five to seven minutes, so that the chicken is cooked thoroughly.

4- add the chili and garlic leave it on medium heat and keep stirring.

5- add the rest of the ingredients, also add the two tablespoons of double cream. Mix and cook everything together then remove from the heat.

6- serve the chicken curry with naan bread or rice.
How To Make Indian Chicken Curry!! How To Make Indian Chicken Curry!! Reviewed by Mohammed S. Abdulmoneem on 6:43:00 PM Rating: 5

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