How To Make Bulgogi!!

Welcome to the art of cooking
Today we’re gonna make together


the ingredients

1.  1 Tb sugar
2.  2 TB red pepper powder
3.  1 Tb honey powder
4.  2 TB minced garlic
5.  1 TB gook ganjang
7.  1 TB corn starch
8.  4 TB red pepper paste
9.  3/4 TB soy bean paste
10.  dash of pepper and ginger powder

The Procedures

1-  buy some meat, 1 bound ir 2 if you want to double the recipe.
2-Marinade the meat in small portions and make sure to thoroughly coat each piece.  also throw in about a cup of green onions.
3-Once it's marinated; you can transfer it into storage containers.
4- you can leave a little in a pot for dinner.
5- or put them into a  ziplock bags to freeze for later use (with some onions). Just pan fry it until it's cooked.
6-Turn up the heat and drizzle some oil on a pan and let it get HOT.

7-Meanwhile, cut up some veggies. I use 1/2 onion, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 red pepper, and 5 mushrooms.
8-Add the meat along with the pepper, garlic and onions and start cooking!
It’ll look like this
9-Once it’s about halfway cooked…
Throw in the mushrooms and some green onions.

10-Keep stirring away until all the meat is fully cooked.
11- and then plate it
And enjoy your meal

How To Make Bulgogi!! How To Make Bulgogi!! Reviewed by Mohammed S. Abdulmoneem on 6:13:00 PM Rating: 5

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